I’m Pursuing a Computer Science Degree
It’s been almost a year since I last posted. What have I been up to? I’ve been pursuing a degree in computer science.
Hello! I am:
Find out more about me by reading the About page.
Check out my recent posts below, or explore my portfolio.
I made this site with GitHub Pages. Interested in checking out my repos? Check out my GitHub profile.
It’s been almost a year since I last posted. What have I been up to? I’ve been pursuing a degree in computer science.
I recently visited a friend who was working on creating a part of one of her parade costumes. She was working on making boot covers and wanted to create a cu...
I recently attended a webinar about docs as code. The webinar covered using GitHub for documentation, GitHub Actions, and GitLab pipelines and LLMs. In this ...
The best way to learn how to do something is to try to do it.
Be Sweet
I’m currently working on learning Java. I want to be the best technical writer I can be. A few of the ways I think I can be more effective include:
I believe solid, effective leadership must include encouragement, enablement, and timely, frequent feedback.
I’ve recently developed an interest in learning more about user experience (UX) design. I decided to start by taking an online, non-credit introductory cours...
I recently wrote this poem and wanted to share it here, rather than submitting it for publication elsewhere. I hope you enjoy it!
I’ve removed a few documents since several websites have scraped my website for content. Specifically, I have removed a presentation on how to write a schola...
I believe it’s important to continue to develop skills and to learn. Learning keeps the mind sharp, and there’s a sense of accomplishment in developing new s...
I completed a technical writing certificate program in the spring. The courses emphasized:
I’m using Dragon NaturallySpeaking to write this blog post. I think that writing using dictation software are different. You have to use different thought pr...
I have been busy for the past few weeks. Once I am done with my information design class in a few weeks, I will resume my posting schedule.
I love learning. I love it so much that I continue to seek it out, year after year. I enjoy feeling empowered. I suppose I could say I’m becoming literate in...
Well, it’s certainly not using hackneyed blog post titles that will do it! This post is for my young writers out there.
I am pretty busy with finishing my advanced technical communication final report at the moment, so I give you one of my presentations.
When I worked at a university, students would sometimes ask me, “What advice would you give to an incoming freshman?” I thought about what issues came up for...
Setting parameters can free writers up to focus on content, and can help writers to be more productive.
Some students view the writing center as a “fix-it shop,” where the students are the customers and the tutors are the mechanics who identify and fix the “pr...
Most tutors and writing coaches have encountered at least one difficult tutoring situation. I know I have! A lot of difficult tutoring situations arise becau...
I am Angelle Leger, and this is my professional website. My life is multifaceted, but on this website, I will be focusing on writing: writing itself, editing...