Hello! I am:

  • an aspiring software developer
  • a technical writing expert
  • a continuous learning enthusiast

Find out more about me by reading the About page.

Check out my recent posts below, or explore my portfolio.

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Recent Posts

Technical Writing and Sewing Instructions

6 minute read

I recently visited a friend who was working on creating a part of one of her parade costumes. She was working on making boot covers and wanted to create a cu...

Always Learning: Java

less than 1 minute read

I’m currently working on learning Java. I want to be the best technical writer I can be. A few of the ways I think I can be more effective include:

Always Learning: User Experience Design

less than 1 minute read

I’ve recently developed an interest in learning more about user experience (UX) design. I decided to start by taking an online, non-credit introductory cours...

Removed Content

less than 1 minute read

I’ve removed a few documents since several websites have scraped my website for content. Specifically, I have removed a presentation on how to write a schola...

A Brief Hiatus

less than 1 minute read

I have been busy for the past few weeks. Once I am done with my information design class in a few weeks, I will resume my posting schedule.

Learning All the Time

less than 1 minute read

I love learning. I love it so much that I continue to seek it out, year after year. I enjoy feeling empowered. I suppose I could say I’m becoming literate in...

Writing a Scholarship Essay: Handout

less than 1 minute read

I am pretty busy with finishing my advanced technical communication final report at the moment, so I give you one of my presentations.

Time Management

3 minute read

When I worked at a university, students would sometimes ask me, “What advice would you give to an incoming freshman?” I thought about what issues came up for...

The DIY Writing Center Approach

3 minute read

Some students view the writing center as a “fix-it shop,”  where the students are the customers and the tutors are the mechanics who identify and fix the “pr...


1 minute read

I am Angelle Leger, and this is my professional website. My life is multifaceted, but on this website, I will be focusing on writing: writing itself, editing...