Is using dictation software the same thing as writing?

1 minute read

I’m using Dragon NaturallySpeaking to write this blog post. I think that writing using dictation software are different. You have to use different thought processes to get the words on the page. Most of the time, when I speak, I don’t really think ahead about what I’m going to say. When I write, I think about what I say before I write it down. As I write, I revise. When I’m speaking, I don’t revise; however, I do stammer and stutter. I use words such as “like” and “as.”

I think dictation software is best used by people who have already written down the words that they wish to use. Alternately, it is good for people who actually think before they speak, which is not most of us.

In the end, speaking as a different brain function for writing. Dictation software cannot fully replace writing. Dictation software such as Dragon NaturallySpeaking is difficult for people with regional accents to use. Lucky for me, I have a generic accent, such as the accent that newscasters have. It is useful for people who have limited use of their hands also.

I went to see how writing using dictation software compares to writing by hand over the next few weeks.
